This is a personal homepage with a little about me and some favorite resources.
I'm a sometimes computer programmer and a sometimes entrepreneur. I like to learn and am just curious in-general. I strum chords on my acoustic guitar. I make a mean cappucino. And, I like to run and exercise too.
I created the After the Deadline language checking technology. After the Deadline was acquired by Matt Mullenweg's Automattic in 2009. Automattic opted to make After the Deadline open source after this acquisition (something I wholeheartedly supported and was excited about). The project was the spelling and grammar checker for blogs and also the popular JetPack plugin. After the Deadline was retired in 2019.
I spent a decade focused on red team security tests. My work included technical research and advocacy around this once-nascent security practice. As part of these efforts, I created the Cobalt Strike security testing software (2012). Cobalt Strike was acquired by Fortra (then, HelpSystems) in 2020 and I transitioned about a year after the acquisition. For context, Fortra is the parent company of Core Security. It's a good home for Cobalt Strike. To see what they're up to, check out the latest on the Cobalt Strike blog.
My 2025 projects and writing live at the Adversary Fan Fiction Writers Guild.
I'm thankful to the knowledge I've gleaned from various books. Some of my favorites:
My professional values draw from the hacker ethic. The hacker ethic is a playful, creative, and can-do approach to solving problems. Hacker culture is the shared beliefs that inform how people, who subscribe to the hacker ethic, interact with eachother. Hacker culture celebrates cleverness, values the pursuit of knowledge, respects intellectual freedom, and rewards sharing knowledge. Here are a few resources on this:
I'm on BlueSky as My email address is rsmudge at gmail dot com.